G - If you can remember spending time as a child exploring a new place and for a moment recall the depth of excitement and wonder you felt, then you understand how I feel towards travel. I grew up on the outskirts of Omaha, Nebraska in a small home close to where the cornfields met the growing city. If you have never lived in or near Omaha, the best way I can describe it to you is that it is much like the Shire from Tolkien's The Hobbit or Lord of the Rings. It is a quiet place filled with rolling green hills, little woods that have posted up along playful creeks, people that love great food, drink, and the company of others. Usually, nothing much exciting happens and there isn't anything in the way of mountains to climb or oceans to sail upon. In brief, if you want a lovely place to enjoy life quietly then it's your spot. If you want adventures, it is a great place to return to after the adventure is done, but won't provide you much excitement should you seek to find adventure there. Our parents encouraged the children of my family to explore and seek adventure, with the reassurance that we had a safe place to return to. The result was that I learned at a young age to enjoy the process of discovery and change and to seek out adventures. As much as I loved my professional life working in the financial industry, the desire to experience as much of the world as possible has remained ever-present. That is why T and I are packing up and going on an adventure!
T - The summer after 3rd grade I went away to a week long camp, where I discovered my insatiable hunger for adventure and new experiences. When I returned home, my mom asked me if I missed her; and, as an insensitive 9 year old, I replied, "No." (Sorry, Mom.) Ever since then, I've looked for and seized opportunities to expand my world. From studying abroad twice to annual birthday trips to spontaneous excursions, I wanna catch 'em all. I'm fortunate to have a partner who wants to do the same. Working in finance for the past 5 years has provided me the means to pursue my lifelong dream of going on an extended journey to see, learn, and experience as much as I can, and I couldn't be more thankful.